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Masche Sextuplets Have Their First Birthday

Sextuplets / AP

Lots of people have come to my blog looking for news of the Masche sextuplets, whom you may recall live in Lake Havasu. At the time of their birth, as you can imagine our town was abuzz with the news. I wrote about them at that time here and here.

It’s been a year now, since the doctor showed that little one to his mother. All the babies are very healthy, progressing normally, and seem to have none of the problems that are often associated with multiple births.

Our local paper had quite a write-up last week, but I can’t seem to get the link to work, so I’m bringing you news from the Tucson Citizen.

Six isn’t the only number in the Masches’ lives. Since welcoming their children into the world a year ago, numbers and schedules, from medical bills to diapers, have sent the couple’s heads spinning.
24: Number of bottles prepared each day.
5: Loads of laundry a day.
2: Number of washing machines in the house. Also the number of days Jenny may go without showering.
20,000: Diapers collected.
during a Phoenix-area drive.
46: Ounces of powdered formula used at each feeding.
36-45: Diaper changes in one day.
$240: Cost for well-child visits for all six kids ($40 co-pay for each).
3: Kids bathed each day: girls one day, boys the next.
12: Hours of sleep the kids get each night.
Blessed with an even temperament, Jenny takes in stride the ups and downs of mothering six kids at once. “You just don’t have an option,” she said. “You can hate every day or love every day. So I love every day.”
Hers begins at 7 a.m. That’s when the babies start to rustle in their cribs, waking up by chattering to each other. Jenny listens in on the monitor. All of the kids are in the same room, each in his or her own crib.
If they awake before 7, they have learned to wait.
“Bottles don’t come until 7,” Jenny explained.
From the Tucson Citizen


Bailey is full of surprises, is sneaky, very clever and knows how to get private attention.
Here’s a good link with lots of info and a very neat video. Guess what. Jenny Masche just ran a marathon. Not kidding. Take a look.
I hope to see the babies out and about some day in Lake Havasu, but so far I haven’t. An amazing story of a uniquely blessed family.
My devotional blog is here.

By Shirley Buxton

Still full of life and ready to be on the move, Shirley at 84 years old feels blessed to have lots of energy and to be full of optimism. She was married to Jerry for 63 years, and grieves yet at his death in August of 2019. They have 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren...all beautiful and highly intelligent--of course. :)

3 replies on “Masche Sextuplets Have Their First Birthday”

Even parents with only one child should learn from this mom the importance of routine and a scheduled bed-time. During the school year, my two youngest ones are in bed at 8 PM. This gives me a few hours of personal time. I have people tell me they could never get their kids to bed that early, but it is up to the parent to determine bedtime. The kids do better in school, have better attitudes, and feel better when they have regular bedtimes. Having such a routine for this mom of six, is saving her sanity!

Hi, Jana. You’ve hit on such an important issue. The discipline of routine and consistency is so important in a family. I agree with you that it makes happier people–both the parents and the children.


Wow! I feel for that mother! I hope she has lots of people helping her. I’m sure she can sure use a whole lot of it extra hands! 🙂 Love you!

Hi, Vonnie. Since you have been that set of twins, I’m not surprised you would mention how important help is.

Love you back.


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