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Not Perfect

Because I write something every day, I’m quite aware of the need for accurate spelling, punctuation, and other usage of the language, although I understand that despite my carefulness, I frequently make mistakes, as do others.  When I self-published my first (of four) books, I scrutinized every word, sentence, and paragraph in what proved to be the futile goal of producing a flawless book. During these years of extensive writing and publishing, I have learned that a professionally produced book by a major publisher, on average, contains three errors.

Even though I know this, it startled me this past week to notice a significant error in a beautiful book I had purchased.

Yesterday at the library, I picked up a notice of a book sale, and saw right away a misspelled word. A misspelled word and the library somehow seem out of synch.

However, the small error did not hinder my successfully shopping there today. Here’s an image of my stack; a bargain for $4.00.

Okay, okay. I know this piece will be scrutinized to assure that I have produced a piece in which grammatical, spelling, and punctuation usage is of the highest caliber. Score me. 🙂


New post on my devotional blog here.

By Shirley Buxton

Still full of life and ready to be on the move, Shirley at 84 years old feels blessed to have lots of energy and to be full of optimism. She was married to Jerry for 63 years, and grieves yet at his death in August of 2019. They have 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren...all beautiful and highly intelligent--of course. :)

7 replies on “Not Perfect”

I guess gramer errors is going to be with us fore ever. Myself, I don’t see the big fus. Isn’t it okey if the massage gets impounded. After all, when we talk, don’t we slotter the gramer anyways? LOL! You get 100% fer as Im conserned! Tthere are red lines everywhere!).
Love your writing Sister Buxton.


Spelling errors have always been one of those things that cause me irritation, especially when the error is my own. As hard as we try though, we are going to make mistakes, so I am not as hard on myself or others as I used to be. 🙂


When you find the error(s) in your own published book, the feeling is intensified. Even in my thesis, which was professionally edited, I found four errors (two caused by changing printers and two by overlooking them.) Only one was a spelling error. A plaque is a different story. How can anyone sell a plaque with a spelling error and live with him/herself?


I was in Cracker Barrel the other day and noticed a display of decor items all about fishing. One plaque stood out to me because it contained the word “it’s” on it, in beautiful script. But, the word should have been “its” without the apostrophe. Like Tena mentioned, whenever I see errors in a book or on a plaque, those errors seem to really stand out. Thank God, He loves us all, weather we get it write or not!!! LOL

Love you, Sister Buxton


This made me think of just yesterday when I was reading a book and I found a grammar error, which happens but not very often. I too know I make grammatical errors when I write, even though I try very hard not to. But why, when I come across one in a book, does it stand out to me so much so that it almost seems high-lighted in yellow? 🙂

I like your stack of books. I think you and I share a few of the same interests, Sis. Buxton; books, photography and exploring to name a few. Oh, and baking and cooking. 🙂


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