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A Renaissance Tagging

So, I’ve been tagged, and I suppose I must think I will reveal my true feelings about such “honor,” which are:

  1. I’ve been tagged before and at first didn’t mind, but later didn’t want to be bothered.
  2. Not wanting to be bothered is probably selfish and arrogant.
  3. Once I was tagged and didn’t follow through with it, and this tagging has reminded me of that and I’m sorry I didn’t, and please forgive me.
  4. I actually kind of enjoyed preparing my response this time, especially the reading of new blogs. It was also kind of fun thinking about my sleep-walking the second night after I was married. (Want to know more? 🙂 Ask me.)

It was Renaissance Guy who tagged me. Here are the rules:

  1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
  2. Post these rules on your blog.
  3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
  4. Tag seven random [?] people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
  5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting on comment on their blog.


Seven very interesting factums (sorry, Latin scholars) about me. Armed with such relevant, and possibly earth-shattering information, the lives of all who read here may never quite be the same. 🙂

  1. I have never owned a television set.
  2. I walked in my sleep on my honeymoon.
  3. I am 69 years old and have never had one hot flash.
  4. I am working on an article about why I am glad I believe in God.
  5. I dislike doing laundry in a laundromat.
  6. I am shopping for a macro lens for my camera.
  7. I plan to randomly tag seven people for this game, thereby sparing my friends this grief. 🙂


I’m tagging:

  1. Mere’s Outlook
  2. Well, Actually…
  3. Nada
  4. Irreplaceable Angst
  5. Textures
  6. You Blog, So I Blog
  7. (Removed at the request of blog owner)

So…we’re off and running.


My devotional blog is here.

By Shirley Buxton

Still full of life and ready to be on the move, Shirley at 84 years old feels blessed to have lots of energy and to be full of optimism. She was married to Jerry for 63 years, and grieves yet at his death in August of 2019. They have 4 children, 13 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren...all beautiful and highly intelligent--of course. :)

15 replies on “A Renaissance Tagging”

Since misery loves company, yes, I was energized by your laundromat sentiments which I too share. I always felt like I was wasting my time at the laundromat just sitting and waiting for my laundry to get finished. Sometimes I would bring a book to read, and that helped. I even brought church invitations once and left them there for other partners-in-suffering to read.


Carol, that is one thing I don’t like about being in our motor home here at DJs. Some motor homes have a washer/dryer combo, but ours does not. I dread going over and doing laundry, but there’s really no reason for such resistance. I go every 10 days or so, get it all done, and don’t have to worry about it for awhile. But it surely is nice at home to stick a load in at midnight…or 6:00 in the morning. Trivial problem–think of those who have neither.


Jolene, no, I didn’t go far. Jerry observed me walking at the foot of the bed, sensed I was asleep, and said, “Come here, Shirley, and sit down.” Patted the bed where he lay, and I obediently walked over and sat down. He now says he was thinking, “What have I got myself into?”


Well now…I am just totally floored by all this earth shattering information you shared! I don’t think I’ll ever be the same! Imagine! No hot flashes! I’m 47, and I’m already starting to get them. Thank you for enlightening me with all this pertinent info. I am a better person for it.



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