
About Shirley Buxton

Shirley Buxton is a daughter of God, who since childhood, has been taught His ways. Her father was a minister, as is her husband, Jerry, two of their sons, Stephen and Andrew, and their grandson, Joel. God and His church are the center of her life.

Jerry and Shirley have four children, all married now, twelve grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. The Buxtons live in Crestline, CA. a small town that sets 5000 feet high in the San Bernardino Mountains.

In recent years, Shirley has published four books. The first, A Thousand Pieces, now into its fourth printing, is the story of Jerry’s horrendous accident in 1994 when he was struck by a drunk driver. He was in the hospital five months, and his remarkable recovery is attributed both to excellent medical care, and to the miraculous touch of God. Her second book is entitled, Road Tales. In July of 2006, she released the beautiful book, Link to Excellence. Her latest is The Bitter Bite of Beelzebub.

Shirley also is an occasional speaker, both at women’s conferences and other meetings, and with Jerry, in marriage seminars.

In recent months, Shirley has been diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma in her right breast. She is sharing a journal of sorts at: and would love to have you jump over there to read of her progress.

118 replies on “About Shirley Buxton”

I should also mention that the business card is from Hopkinsville, KY. My parents were living near there in the early ’50’s as my dad was stationed at Ft. Campbell. I can’t tell you how lovely it was to just take a chance that I might find something out about the person who sold my mom the machine! It has been in use for nearly 60 years! Still works!

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Dear Mrs. Buxton. I hope this note will find you. I have found your fathers business card in the bottom of my mothers Singer which she bought nearly 60 years ago. I “googled” your fathers name and there was your website! Please feel free to contact me. I will tell you the whole story. It’s a small world! Sincerely, Astrid.

Liked by 1 person

Hi Shirley,

This is Bobby Snow. I noticed your comment above about you visiting my sister and Okino Dairy in Springfield, MO.

I hope you are doing well.
Bob Snow


Hello Shirley I would love it if we could talk some about womens ministry! Would it be possible to email you or vice versa?

See email.


I was reading your “About Shirley Buxton” section. I’d like to add a few items you failed to include:
1. A wonderful example of a Godly woman
2. A GREAT story teller (I remember the story you told at the 2009? So. CA Ladies Retreat about the boy whose mother made the decision to blind him for life because of his eye cancer.)
3. A great laugh
4. A happy person

Enjoy the new year,


God Bless You Sis. Buxton this is Sis. Judith from Spain! I hope you had a good time yesterday inToledo, I know I did, I just wanted to say thanks for beeing so nice well goodbye!


Judith, how sweet of you to post this! Yes, I had a great time, especially visiting with you and your sister. I’m sorry I haven’t responded sooner, but haven’t had good internet connection.

I’m so glad I got to meet you. Let’s stay in touch.


Sister buxton


February 28, 2010
Excerpt From ‘GIVE US THIS DAY’
by Nona Freeman

‘Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee. Genesis 12:1. KJV

If you ever dare to give yourself or your substance to the Lord, be assured that there will be a time of limbo and darkness. The vultures will come and you will have to drive them away alone. But keep on believing, your sacrifice will be accepted and the Lord will testify with His burning Spirit that you are His beloved.

Abram did not have many guidelines as he walked with God-no written Word-no church services. God’s future visitations and promises to him hinged on his obedience to the command: Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

Talk about limbo! Start out, and I’ll show you later where you’re going.

But Abram believed the Lord and left without questioning. He obediently prepared his sacrifice and waited for another word from the Almighty. Instead of hearing from God, vultures came, and he had to drive them away from his offering. Then, deep sleep and a horror of darkness fell upon Abram. But, faith and faithfulness paid off; a smoking furnace and a burning lamp declared God’s acceptance of the sacrifice. The awaited word came and established the covenant.

Friend, if you ever dare to give yourself or your substance to the Lord, be assured that there will be a time of limbo and darkness. The vultures will come and you will have to drive them away alone. But keep on believing, your sacrifice will be accepted and the Lord will testify with His burning Spirit that you are His beloved.

I was alone, without courage or hope;
At the frazzled end of Life’s tangled rope.
Unworthy of grace, of goodness, bereft;
My course set for judgment-all that was left.
Then, everlasting arms reached me in love;
My soul took wings with the Heavenly Dove;
Mercy erased guilty scars of old grief;
I moved from confusion to firm belief.
Since that turning point, life has new meaning;
I have learned the luxury of leaning,
On a friend, ever loving and all wise,
One who tailors each day to exactly my size.
–Nona Freeman 1916-2009


Nona Freeman 2-DVD set now available of Home going Memorial Service. One is the service; the other is a slide show of photos detailing life as Foreign Missionary and ministry. Complete set is 30.00 or 20.00 for just the service + postage. First come first served orders while supplies last will get a complimentary copy of program for Nona B. Freeman Memorial Service. Supplies very limited.
For details [228-497-4396]


One of the lovely things about being a Christian is how one is often led to things one did not look for. I was searching WordPress to find out why Home Page had suddenly started appearing in my blog stats. Your picture and blog name caught my eye, among all the other messages — WriteNow — and as a writer myself, I felt I should check it out — because I have learned from longs years as a believer that nothing catches one’s eye by accident. So I visit, and I find not just a fellow writer, but a sister in Chirst — and not just a believer, but one who is paying attention (couldn’t help but smile that you were quoting from the Heritage Foundation — they’re such old friends, they’re even in my will). So may I pray blessings on you and your family for the ministries you lead, and thank you for your faithfulness in writing the truth, not only hear, but on your God Things blog (yep — checked that one out, too). So glad I followed that little push from the Spirit to your site. May God bless you richly.


Nona Freeman Update Friday, December 18, 2009

Dear Loved Ones of Nona Freeman Ministry;

Greetings in the name of Jesus! As you can imagine calls, messages, emails, texts; etc., are pouring in from Canada; United Kingdom; South Africa; Australia Barbados; Germany; Guam; Netherlands; Russia; Hong Kong; Uganda; Madagascar; Europe; thirty seven of fifty states United States; active and retired Foreign Missionary’s and something near and dear to her heart MK’S [missionary kids]! Please know each and everyone is appreciated and posted and printed off to encourage the family and also to be read to her in case she is alert to hear them. All the comments and messages posted on all her forums in the past have been posted and read to her daily in reports and it thrills her to know people still appreciates her. For her to hear from all of you whose life The Freeman’s Ministry has touched please know it is the life of Nona Freeman.

She still is very weak; no appetite and much the same as the last update with hospice and family still surrounding her. All that can be done is to keep her comfortable. Thank God she is still not in any pain. We ask that you still keep Sister Freeman and her family in your prayers. It is a helpless feeling not to be able to help her as she has everyone else but as she will encourage all, ‘Give God praise anyway!’

We will be posting her holiday and New Years message to her loved ones on all her forums in the next few days.

Until further updates; bless you in Jesus name!

Nona Freeman Ministry


Nona Freeman Update December 16, 2009

Dear Friends, Fans and partners of Nona Freeman Ministry ;
Greetings in the name of Jesus;

This is an update about Sister Nona Freeman’s condition. As you were advised on December 8, 2009 hospice has been called in to her. Since then she has lost so much strength and is no longer able to even feed herself. This week a hospital bed was brought to her home to better care for her and she made the statement. ‘This is the where I will go to meet God.’ At that time it did not seem it would be a reality but even today she is weakened. Unless it is the will of God to intervene her home going could be anytime due to her present condition. She is not in any pain but at times is non-responsive nor has the strength to communicate.
Next to Jesus and her ministry, her family, friends and supporters has always been her life. Per her own conversations to her staff this past week; it is her desire for her messages and devotionals on various forums to be continued. She personally spent time last week to prepare this and made the statement, ‘I have spent hours writing in airports, hotel rooms or other places for publications and recordings that I leave behind for the work of God. It is my desire my postings continue because so many are hurting and I won’t be here.’ True to her word, she has left months of prepared messages.
Some of her family is with her and are doing everything possible to see she is comfortable. Every conversation is about her longing to see Jesus then ‘My Bug’ her beloved husband of 62 years also now gone on to be with the Lord.
Where most of us have traveled areas she traveled CONTINENTS for the name of Jesus but now is anxious to reap her reward. Everyone is so supportive and the Nona Freeman family wants to advise everyone of her weakened condition because even they are shocked and asks for your prayers in the days ahead. Not only is it their mother, grandmother, etc., but a gospel legend that has blazed the Apostolic trail for us to follow.
Anyone desiring to do so may leave a message or comment. What better time to say, ‘Thank you for giving to the Lord’ to Sister Nona Freeman; and to her beloved family’s thanks for sharing her with the world.’
There will be updates posted daily. Blessings in the name of Jesus.

Nona Freeman Ministry


Sis. Buxton;

I so enjoyed your website. I was thrilled with the
pictures and story of Michael. Becky and I remember
him and have prayed for him over the years. Prayers
never die and I know you and Bro. Buxton never gave
up. God is doing great things for you precious folks for
which we are so thankful. You both have impacted our
lives and the lives of thousands over the years.


Brother Smelser, what a delightful surprise to hear from you. Let me tell you God has been so good to me–in ways that far exceed anything I could ever image and, certainly, I don’t deserve any of it. All my children are filled with the Holy Ghost; Steve and Andrew are pastors, and one of my grandsons–Joel (who belongs to Steve)–is pastoring in Carson City, Nevada.

I wish you could be around Michael, Brother Smelser. It is simply amazing what God has done with his life. He hasn’t missed a beat since he prayed through, even though his (beautiful and wonderful) wife is not serving God. He is a soulwinner such as I have never seen, leads our worship and teaches two Christian Intervention classes weekly.

Thank you, Brother and Sister Smelser for praying for him, and for all of our family. I’m so grateful and appreciate every bit of spiritual support that has ever come our way.

Trust all is well with you. Would love to see you…maybe next year at conference.


Sis. Buxton


Good morning, Kara. Welcome to my site. Hope you are here often.

Wow, what a wonderful work you are doing; what a great site you have. I clicked over and have read quite a bit this morning, including the story of how you began this ministry. I will be praying for you from time to time.

Afraid I don’t know Samuel Buxton, nor do I have any personal contact information with Aquanetta, although I would surely like to meet this remarkable woman. Ben’s dynamic story has been a true inspiration to me…and thousands others, I’m sure.

God bless you always.



Hi Shirley,
I just did a search on google for Ben Underwood because I was wanted to do a feature story on him for our website and a link to your article about his cancer popped up. I was so incredibly saddened that this world has lost a young man with such an incredible spark but of course, he’s heaven’s gain and I will be so excited to meet him in person one day. I would still like to interview his mother so that she can share her son’s life with me and be an encouragement to other parents who have received the diagnosis of their children having a disability. Our website features stories about how God can work in and through the lives of those with disabilities. If you happen to know any of Aquanetta’s contact info, could you please send it to me via email? Thank you so much. PS- are you related to Samuel Buxton of Joni and Friends?
Blessings, Kara


Sandra, I have never homeschooled any of my children, but have friends who have done so. Most people who have been involved with this area of education believe it is the best way to go.

Can’t help you with homeschooling, but I’d like to invite you to our church at 2744 N. Kiowa. Sunday morning service is at 9:00. Call me if you’d like more info. 951-316-0151


I recently moved to LHC, I’d like to ask you a few questions regarding Homeschooling. Could you please get in touch with me as soon as possible?
Thank you.


Martin/ remember the Martins?
Jim, Wynona, John, Mike, Kevin, Emilee? (green hair?)
Garden Grove?
Jim passed away in 1987 with pancreatic cancer.
When the doctors found it they gave him only 2
months to live but God let us keep him for another nine months. He was home with us until
the last, withKevin moving back in with me to help take care of him.

With the loving care of our Lord upon you and yours!
wynona martin (Idaho)


Dear Shirley,

I look around for your contact information, to send an E-mail, but failed to locate. I hope this is a right place to ask for. I’ve read that Elizabeth Fritzl (Yes, the incest victim) was planning to write a book. Do you have any information if its released? Or, has the work started and tentative date when the book might be released. I personally write a lot ov stuff on “Helplessness”. You can check the song Sindustry at which was written keeping all the incest cases in mind (Warning: The lyrics are far from sober). Any information from your side will greatly be appreciated. Thank you very much and god bless us all.




This is Armine Hareyan writing from I visited your blog and liked your content.

Would you be interested to send us a guest post on any of the issues related to the topics that you cover in your blog. We will publish it in our site

In return with each guest blog we will give one link in the author’s biline back to your blog. We only ask that the guest post ( we prefer it be a news coverage, sources can be Google News, CNN, MSNBC, Yahoo News, BBC and others) be a unique story and not be published in your blog.

Please let me know if you may have any questions about

If you want to consult the topic with me first that’s perfectly fine as well.

Many thanks

Best regards
Armine Hareyan


Hi Sis. Buxton:

A little background…my son Bradley and your grandson Nate are best buds. While Rebecca and Nate were over at our house for Easter dinner, I asked about you and your husband and we got to talking about this blog (which I have thoroughly enjoyed) and Rebecca told me that you had been corresponding with a gentleman from Gallup and he wanted to find a good church. My dad is the assistant pastor at the UPC church in Belen (Pastor Jose Lovato) so I checked with him and this was his response:

Absolutely, Wesley Eastridge, is pastor of the New Life UPCI.
It’s a bit hard to find so I suggest the person seeking it call first at either
505-863-2824 or 505-726-8276. Or E-mail at:
It’s a great church with a very vibrant youth group and Wesley is a tremendous

I hope your friend Rob can find it and enjoys it if he hasn’t already.

Have a bless day!!!


Hi, Renee. Welcome to my blog. Hope you’re here often.

Recently we heard there is this good church in Gallup and we were so happy to know that. I plan to call Rob soon and talk with him a bit myself, then ask if he would like someone from that church to contact him…or at least let him know where it is. I appreciate your input and your concern. Please pray with us about this situation.



First of all I would like to congratulate you for your blog, which is carefully designed and very nice.

I’m studying in NYC, and a group of international students (some of them are already back in their countries) starting calling ourselves “raccoons”, in order to have a name for our group that soon will become a long distance friendship (everyone will go home soon).

I saw your raccoons pictures and I thought two of them would be great to serve as our image. One of one raccoon’s face and other one of four lovely little raccoons. Therefore I’d like to ask for your permission to send those two pictures to my friends and may be use them as symbolic-nostalgic image in our blogs or facebook pages.

I’m a cat lover, and I also all animals, some of them, like raccoons are sooooo lovely…..

All the best from Queens, NY,


Hey, Federico. Thanks for dropping by and for the compliments.

Aren’t those raccoons the cutest things? I wish I could claim having photographed them, but if you will check the end of the article, you will see I have stated they are file pictures. They either are in the public domain or are covered with a creative commons agreement. I believe it is fine for you to use them. On second thought, though, I’m not sure about the single raccoon face. It may be copyrighted.

Keep me posted concerning your friendship club…sounds delightful. (We have lots of raccoons around our Crestline home; I’m hoping to get a good shot there sometime.)

Hope you visit my blog often.


hi Shirley!

Just dropping by to let you know that I love your site! I am blessed to have found a blog of someone from the same faith. I enjoy you reading your entries and your blog inspired me to start one of my own. Visit me whenever… and oh, I’m adding you to my blog friends’ list.

God bless you more and more!


Well…what a surprise. Do you remember David and Lillie Fox? How could you forget. You probably know Lil passed away about 10 years ago. Shoot me an email and I will fill you in on everything.


Hi Sandy,

How could we ever forget you? What a treat to hear from you! We talk of the good ole days frequently. Remember Gail and Kim? Please contact me. Rebecca Cowen ( Buxton) a prd


Hello Mrs. Buxton,

I don’t know if you remember me but when I was a teenager I lived across the street from your family in Westminister. I was also a member of your church in Rialto and married Lee Bock, I even worked for you for a while at the church. In 1990 I had a son named Dallas, his father and I are not marreid anymore and I live in Orange County near my family. I am so happy I found this site and was able to see your photo’s. It was a very happy time in my life when I was a part of the church in Railto.



Hi, I am new to this site. Your videos on the Fritzl story are excellent, and I appreciate seeing good information like that.
However, downloading took more time than I could believe, so I wasn’t able watch most of them! Please forgive me for asking something technical here, but I perhaps I can get a simple hint. Is there some tech. thing I can do, such as downloading something to my computer to speed things up a bit?
In any event, thanks again for the info. you provided.


Dear Shirley,
I have exhausted the many resources and government agencies in my search for help. I have nothing left but prayers and hope. I have been searching for someone with a connection to Dumaguete ,Philippines. I beleive my only hope is to find a missionary in the area. My father is in the Philippines. The FBI, Embassy, and other agencies have attemped to help. The common therory is, he is most likely being manipulated and brainwashed in order to control his income. He met a woman on the enternet, who immediatley asked him for money for starving family. It’s beleived that he send a large amount of money to her. He then went to the airport to visit the Philippines and never returned. His car was abandonned at the airport. Since, I have been recieving messages stating that he would die, if I didn’t send 1o thousand dollars. This woman claims he is ill and needs medical attention. I have spoken to my father on the phone and he can not communicate. He merely repeats “Im OK” to every question I ask. The government says unless he states he’s NOT ok, then they can do nothing. I would like to share more with you if you know anyone in this area or if you plan to return. A very concerned daughter….praying for help.


WOW !!! We certainly have moved uptown!!
Your website is remarkable. I think i got left behind in this whole internet thing.

Anyway nice to see photos and hear good reports. Becca and I have our own place now. A small apartment in San Diego south of downtown. I am starting to go to El Cajon and teaching/preaching every sunday that I dont preach out to help Marc. Becca is doing so good and goes to steves She supposed tostart singing in the choir this week. I go over there on Sunday evenings to be with her in service, and El Cajon has no Sunday night.
Gotta go At work I’ll keep in touch
luv you guys

My goodness, Brother Sharp. It’s my treat to hear from you. Glad things are turning around for you, although I’m not surprised. You have it in you to succeed, and you will.

Love you and your family. Want to hear more of you.


Thought this was important enough to share.


Hi, Jean. Thanks for the information. Trust all is well with you.


Hi Shirley. Found your blog when Googling for stories about Lakshmi Tatma, in India. That sweet little girl who had extensive corrective surgery. Isn’t it wonderful that it worked out so well? Hasn’t she got the most delightful smile?

Shirley, I also wanted to refer you to a great book swapping website. It is worldwide. (I’m in Australia) It is a great way to as it says itself “get books you want, give them away to those who really want them.” It is a vast improvement on having alot of secondhand books sitting around in thrift stores waiting for someone who wants them. The member pays for the postage of book given away, the postage to receive is free. The member earns points with with to request more books. No money changes hands. Just alot of love for a common interest: Books. I see that you like books and write some yourself, so I thought you might like to know. God Bless, Michelle (Sydney : Australia)


Hello Sis Shirley. Could you please email me.
We me in Brentwood Ca. last year when you guys presched a couple of sermons for us.
You remember?? Paul is my uncle & of course that makes Cora my aunt


Shirley! I stumbled across your website while following the smallest lead ever in a “free newspaper” in Carson City, Nevada not too long ago (but too long considering…) about gorgeous, huggable, little Alexis. Thank you for writing your blog. I used the information to share the fund with everyone and I am working on a full article myself, though I will try to contact her mother first to see if she would like to participate. Although I am chronically ill and often in bed (for months) AND I am behind on my website, I’ve been around for ten years, we are totally nonprofit, and we get thousands of hits every month. I’ve been “out of it” for almost a year, but I’m hoping to come back to help victims with a vengeance (that’s mine, BTW, not the victims, LOL). If you are interested in sharing photos for us to publish, I’ll include a link to your blog and books. What you are doing is awesome. Thank you so very much. Teraisa J. Rogers, Editor: True Crime Fanatic and Get It In Writing!

Teraisa, sorry for the delay in responding to you. Have been flying around quite a bit lately. Thank you for all you do for needy people. Let’s stay in touch. Trust your body is better.

Liked by 1 person

I enjoyed reading how God is the center of your life and that of your family. My husband and I have the sad experience where our children, now grown, with their families do not follow Christ.

You are very blessed, which I am sure you already know. I don’t have the money right now to buy your books, but when I do I would like to. I’ve had many people tell me I should write a book since I have been through so much, but there is one thing I definetely cannot do – and that is write.

I hope you will continue in your journey of life and I will continue to visit you through blogging.

Rose Lily


Hi I love your blog. I have some good recipes on my blog you will like. Believe it or not, Solid Rock Church in Monroe, Ohio has a 62-foot tall statue of Jesus which they paid 250,000 dollars for.


Good afternoon, Sister Bohannon–

No, I did not receive your phone message. I’ll go over and email you this afternoon. Yes, we’re needing to get those little puppet people winging their way around Lake Havasu.

I didn’t know Brother Pence was your pastor. His story is absolutely incredible.

Love you back

Edit: When I went to send an email, I find I don’t have your address on this computer, and I’m not at home to get to any other files. I’m in a hotel in Tucson. If you see this before I get home and contact you, go ahead and email me at:



Sis B.
I hope you received my phone message about puppet script cd’s. Please email me (or have Bro. Mike email or call,) I have some more info for you.
Your Christmas service looked wonderful! Looks like you need to get those puppets going right away (kids of all ages love puppets).
Seeing Bro Pence was so encouraging. He was my pastor when I received the Holy Ghost and he baptized me.
Love you guys!


Thanks for your good wishes. I’m getting ready to go to the 11 p.m. service with my sister. It concludes at midnight with the lights being dimmed and everyone holding a candle. Each person passes the flame by allowing the person next to him to light his candle, and so on until the church is filled with the glow. We sing “Silent Night” while we’re lighting the candles. Impossibly beautiful.
My best wishes to you, your family and your readers.


Good morning, Donna–

No, I had not seen your update and I appreciate your bringing over the link. I certainly will read it.

God’s best to you, and a merry Christmas also to your family and to you.


I do not have a website, other than myspace and that is just for my kids (four) to share pics, news, etc.

My memo was done in a flash, and I should have read again before posting…. I think “we are electing should have been “we’ve elected.”
However, feel free to use it.

I am a Director in the Healthcare Industry, my hobbies are painting and reading. I especially enjoy Gaskell, all the Brontes, Austen, Hardy, Dickens, Trollope, and Eliot.

I used to be a Democrat (voted for Clinton the first time) became disgusted with him, and when the party made that hard left turn I signaled right.

I’m glad to have discovered your website!


Bonnie–a witty and timely message.

Do you have your own website? Have you published this anywhere else? If not, I’d like to make it a post on my main blog page. Think about it and let me know how you feel. Of course, I would give you credit for having written this stirring message.

Tell me a little about yourself.



Thanks for responding Shirley. I wrote this and sent to my boss hoping it would get a “wow” effect, hope it isn’t me in Human Resources!

Memo To: Jesus Christ

From: Earth’s Inhabitants

Date: December 24, 2007

This memo is to notify you that we are electing not to recognize your birthday this year.
We’ve decided that due to the early Holiday Shopping Season, and the need for us to respect all religions and not single out any over another, it is impossible for us to acknowledge this date any more special than the other 364 days of the year.

Although we are unable to continue the celebration as we’ve done in past centuries,
we would like to let you know we appreciate the monies that have been exchanged and this, of course, is partially due to the fondness and deep respect many people still have for you. We even acknowledge that you are, however remote, still responsible for the boost in our economy for the months of November and December.

We regret the necessity of this decision, and would like to express our appreciation for all the kind gestures you have extended in the past.


Good morning, Bonnie–Welcome to my site.

I understand your frustration. Our country has gone a little crazy in trying to be politically correct about everything. Downright silly.

Of course this is the Christmas season. It’s the time we celebrate the birthday of Jesus. If a person doesn’t want to do that–fine, but don’t try to hinder you and me who do.

I wish you a very merry Christmas!


I was looking for an article about why America no longer celebrates Christmas; why and when did we move to “Holiday” parties, etc?
Tonight was the “BIG Annual HOLIDAY” party, about 8 years ago they called it our Christmas Party. I decided to stay home and watch WVU and Pitt. If we ever get back to Christmas Parties, I will be glad to go. I want to hear music celebrating the birth of Christ, not praising the wonders of Frosty the Snowman.


Thank you DAVID and UPROAR for visiting my site and for commenting. I’m always open to hearing the opinions of others and certainly do not ever want to bring offense, although of course, when someone disagrees with something I have written that sometimes happens.

Blessings to you both.


Shirley, I find many of your views degrading.

Finding the Empire State Building lit up green in dedication to the Muslim religion outrageous, in my eyes very unprofessional, and discriminating.

I have a friend who belongs to the Muslim faith, just because a group of Radical Muslims committed a act of terrorism against our nations does not mean they the muslim faith does not deserve respect.

Also, after reading your “Beware Starbucks” blog/article, i find your opinion illogical. That paragraph written on the side of that coffee was obviously in good humor. Starbucks is not in anyway being disrespectful to the lord, or the idea of heaven. People such as yourself need to open their eyes to the current world, and understand when something is supposed to humerous.

It was interesting to see you respond so harshly to that coffee cup, yet be so judgmental on the Muslim Faith.

I by the way am a Christian.


Hi Shirley,

I just came across your post on virtual eve.
I thought you might find it interesting that we also use cognitive and affective tutors for all our elearning initiatives. This falls under the umbrella of ITS systems or intelligent tutoring systems.

I cant share more on this topic if this is of interest to you.



wow, you are a mighty woman of God and oh so BLESSED!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for your comment. :o)

I look fwd to reading more of your blog…
thanks again…thanks so much.
may God continually bless you and your work also.


Shirley Buxton, nice to know you one more time.

You will be happy to know that, when I was first on wordpress I first found your blog and book marked it and read it carefully.

Long time, I involved with blogging but didn’t manage my time to spend here 😦

That’s also imaging that, you till now share with us and blogging. I also maintain my blog on our “Bangla Community” and presently on wordpress 😛

I love wordpress and I love your blog and love you too


Best Wishes


Sis Buxton
I was just wondering if you have heard the new bill that Gov of California has signed on banishing Mom and Dad, Husband and wife out of our schools.
I would love to email some info on this. If you would like please email me at

God Bless


MARIZEN, I think I understand now, and you’re right, we were probably “lost in translation.” Of course we must strive to know ourselves, and let me warn you, we change. At 69, I am a much different person from the one I was at 19. I’m really glad to hear of your unshakable faith in God. Never lose that.

STEPHEN, I’m considering your words. One thing I am sure about–we need to love each other. When I teach women, I do say that to them.

Blessings to you both.


If Sarah and Hagar had made it their number one priority to love one another, today there would be no mid-east crisis.

If Leah and Rachel, sisters, and their maids had made up their minds that, for God’s sake, they needed to cover for scatterbrained Jacod, and work together….raise their children to love one another….Ah, what a world we would we be living in.

Teach the women.

Stephen Fretwell


Hello again, Shirley.

I just read the response you posted on my blog. There is no need for forgiveness from either of us. We had both been “lost in translation,” a common mistake. 😉

But allow me to try to clear things up again… I had written that post because of the books I have been reading for my term paper: Journeys Out of the Body (Monroe), and The Education of Oversoul Seven (Roberts). Those books deal with parapsychology, out-of-body experiences, consciousness, etc. And that’s what’s been making me rethink & question everything. BUT like I said before, it’s NOT God’s truth I’m after — it’s my own. I mean, when it comes to God, my faith in Him is unshakable. But finding the truth within myself is another story. I mean, there’s so many questions to life, and even more interpretations to the “correct” answers. & I’m sure you can relate.

ANYWAYS. Well, I don’t want to ramble on & on, so let me just end this w/ another thank you for your comment. 🙂

Wishing nothing but peace upon you as well,

– Marizen –


Hello, John. I went to your website, and while I don’t remember that we have met, your picture looks quite familiar.

In 1994, my husband, Jerry, was struck by a drunk driver, was dead in the street, almost unimaginable injuries, broken neck, paralyzed, etc. He spent 5 months in the hospital, but God (and wonderful doctors) raised him up. Were you to see him now, you would not be able to discern he had been through such an ordeal.

God is wonderful!

Loved reading on your site, and will be returning.

Hope you’re here often. Be sure you leave comments on the articles. Love to hear from you.


Junior, it was close to perfect–yesterday, when we talked twice. I thought I had died and gone to Heaven. Seriously, thank you for the phone calls, and the compliments.

I look forward to receiving your pictures by email.

How have we ever let so much time go by? Well, anyway, here we are…we’ll stay in touch, now.

Love you forever,



Hi Sis. Buxton,
You don’t know me but if I’m not mistaken, your husband was cured from some terminally ill condition 7 or 8 years or so ago. I go to Victory Tabernacle in Burbank and I remember Bro. Buxton preaching for us after he was healed. I was new to church at the time but I remember him being so happy and grateful for the miracle that God did (I hope I’m remembering all this right). I’m glad to see that you’ve taken to blogging, you have some great sites.


It was so good to talk to you yesterday. I spent the entire afternoon looking thru your site. You truly are a talented writer and your pictures are a joy.
I found some pictures of your family in your site and the picture of Jerry holding your great grandson. Jerry has not changed much. If I can find some time from my busy life in South America I will dig up some pictures of my family and email them to you.
I had better get off of here and get back to work.

Love Your Brother Jr.


O yes the clorine in the swimming pool would turn my hair green, and to this day, my hair still doesn’t grow, it is just below my shoulders.
The towel, do you remember coming over to our house and on the living room floor was a towel layed out. My dad which was a big joker went and bought $50 all in silver coins, nichols, dimes and quarters, and gave it all to you and Bro Buxton right before general conferance. $50 is not much now but 35 years was a little bit differant.


Hi, Emily.

Thanks for the compliments about the pictures. My camera is a Nikon D50.

I’m sorry, but I don’t remember the towel incident, but I definitely remember your family–especially your mother–as being very supportive of us. She helped us by watching the children sometimes when we went to conferences and was such a blessing in many ways.

You say you’re the only one going to UPC church? What about the others? What are they doing?

It’s so good to hear from you, truly it is.

Want to hear a very funny memory I have of you, which you probably will not recall at all. If I have it straight, I recall that your blond hair would often take on a faint tinge of green because you swam so much…some kind of a reaction to the chemical in the pool. Do you recall that? 🙂


Do you remember the towel that my mom and dad lay ed on our living room floor about 37 years ago right before General Conferences? For you and Bro Buxton. This is one memory I will never forget.
As a church we always need to bless out pastors.


Do you remember the towel that my mom and dad lay ed on our living room floor about 37 years ago right before General Conferences? For you and Bro Buxton. This is one memory I will never forget.


I can’t believe you remember me after so many years ago.
We have kept up you and Brother Buxton and you through the years and of course when the accident happened (12 years ago)? we were praying for you and Bro Buxton.
We have been living in Idaho for the last 14 years, and we love it here.
We have 2 children and have been blessed with 2 grandchildren. I’m a stay at home mom and a stay at home grandmother, since my daughter went through a very bad divorce this last year. Stephanie my daughter has went back to college and Michael our son is still in high school. Michael has started saying this year that he fells the call to preach, my husband and I have felt the calling on him years ago, but never said anything to him about it, until he brought it up.
Our family centers our life around the church. The greatest high I could ever get is watching my children worship God in church. This last year when the grand children we dedicated it was pretty awesome to be able to say that the grand children are 7th generation Pentecost.
I’m the only one in my family that still go to a UPC (apostolic) church.
Tell everybody hello for me

Love ya all


I can’t believe I came across your web site, this is great. About 38 years ago my family attended your church in Garden Grove, My mother and father is James & Wynona Martin. I’m looking forward to coming back to your web site and see all of the new posting. My husband and I now live in Meridian Idaho. And attend Bro Mascrofts Church here. It looks like our 16 year old son Michael is called into the ministery.


BECKY, sorry to be so late in responding. I will check out that contest and maybe I could put a link on my site too. I’m traveling tomorrow and may not have internet service. Actually, I’ll be a bit displaced the next week and a half, but I’ll see what I can do. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

KERI, yes we are starting a work in Lake Havasu. Have been here since February. Talk to me a bit more. Are we friends? 🙂

JAMES, what a surprise to hear from a “family member” and especially from San Diego. We have two sons who pastor churches there: one in Chula Vista, and one in LaMesa.

Please keep me posted on this school situation. I did read your other post, and I do agree that Christians should ask for more, and I do think at times, too many actions are politically motivated.. On the other hand, I know of people who are forbidden such rights as non-Christians are afforded. I just spoke with a young man who recently finished up a speech class in a Jr. College in San Bernardino County. At the beginning of the sessions, the teacher absolutely forbade any talk of the Bible and of God.

In the closing class session, however, she held forth on aliens and space travel. Seems she’s a spiritualist. It’s mind-boggling.

Thank you for being here.


Hi Shirley,

I am apparently a long lost relative of your clan but not lost in the eyes of the Lord. My Buxton clan is origionally from Cincinnati, Ohio area. I am a public school teacher in San Diego….looking to Holy Spirit about how to deal with the double standard being forced on the public over the issue of permissible Musilim prayer and non-permissible Christian prayer in the public schools. I am believing for some changes in how the Federal Govt’ begins to submit itself at the footstool of our nation’s foundation. Thanks for you blog on this issue.

James Buxton
cell# 619-227-8817


Hello Sis. Buxton! I somehow stumbled across your blog and see that you’re in Lake Havasu, AZ. Are you all starting/pastoring a church there now?? Just curious (nosey!).


Hello Shirley 🙂 I found your blog via Titus2Talk. There is SO much here! I shall enjoy having a look round. 🙂



Hello, Tim. Welcome to my site.

Tanya’s funeral service is on Wednesday at ll:30. The mortuary is Lietz-Fraze located at 21 Riviera Blvd in Lake Havasu.

God’s blessings to you.




Beka, you may leave the comment on the addiction article page. Or if you would rather me do so, I can email you. Let me know Sorry for the delay in responding; I haven’t looked at a computer screen since Friday.


Sis Shirley I just read your blog on addiction, I know this is not on the topic but I wanted to leave you a comment is there a way to do so?


Shirley! I think your blog is fantastic, I just put it on my blogroll. 🙂 God bless you and your family!


Shirley, I am really thinking I am being called to ministry of some sort. I have an apt to speak to one of my pastor friends Wednesday for advice. I have been feeling this for awhile and I am finally clear headed enough to understand what it may be. Btw I will be in California in August with my wife and some friends. We will be in Orange County. Anyway probably wrong place to post this but I didn’t have a way to reach you other wise..LOL



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